
We can restore your missing tooth/teeth using prosthesis (false teeth).
We have different options for you depending on the condition of your oral cavity.
We specialize in creating an artificial tooth/tooth that will definitely looks so real and function perfectly whether in your speech or mastication.
Prosthodontic procedures include crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays, onlays, complete and partial dentures.


Onlay 1
Onlay 2
Single Porcelain Fused to Tilite
Single Porcelain Fused to Tilite
Zirconia CROWN
Zirconia CROWN


Acrylic Removal Partial Denture
Acrylic Removal Partial Denture
Flexible or Thermaplastic Removable Partial Denture
Flexible or Thermaplastic Removable Partial Denture
Huge Acrylic Almost Complete Denture
Huge Acrylic Almost Complete Denture
Ivocap Complete Denture
Ivocap Complete Denture
Regular Acrylic Complete Denture
Regular Acrylic Complete Denture


Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown
Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown
Zirconia Bridge
Zirconia Bridge
Porcelain Fused to Tilite with Gingiva-Shaded Porcelain
Porcelain Fused to Tilite with Gingiva-Shaded Porcelain
Porcelain Fused to Tilite
Porcelain Fused to Tilite